Your Help is Needed Palm Beach County! Jessica Ticktin vs Diana Lewis: On Election Day, Vote for Jessica Ticktin
To every voter in Palm Beach County,
Please take a moment to review the qualifications of Jessica Ticktin. Jessica is running for Circuit Court Judge in Palm Beach County, and she needs your vote in this upcoming August election.
Unlike the election in November, the primary election on August 26th is expected to have a very low voter turnout. For those of us who do vote, we are usually voting for governor, city council, or school board members, but we usually do not know anything about the people who are running for judge.
We usually have to rely on other people who know our judicial candidates, to educate us on the candidates. Jessica Ticktin is qualified, experienced, and has the compassion we would all want from a judge, should we end up in court one day.
She has been endorsed by almost all the organizations who screened the candidates in this race, including the National Organization for Women; Palm Beach-Treasure Coast AFL-CIO, the Fraternal Order of Police, the Police Benevolent Association, the Sun-Sentinel, The Palm Beach Post, and the West Boca News, in addition to a large group of local leaders and attorneys. The newspaper articles say it all, they are attached for you to review.
Please support Jessica Ticktin for Palm Beach County Circuit Court Judge, Group 14. If you are not able to go to the polls on August 26th, please go to an early voting site – you can vote very quickly and easily (usually without a line) – all you have to do is show your driver’s license. Attached is the list of early voting locations so you can find one near you. They are open this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, from 10am – 6pm.
This is expected to be a very close race.
Whether you vote early or on election day, please make sure you take the time to vote, and VOTE FOR JESSICA TICKTIN.
Your vote will make a difference!
The Palm Beach Post Endorsement
West Boca News Endorses Jessica Ticktin