More Foreclosures Here We Come
Number of properties that are 30 or more days past due, but not in foreclosure: 2,146,000
Number of properties that are 90 or more days past due, but not in foreclosure: 730,000
Number of properties that are 30 or more days past or in foreclosure: 2,741,000
The fact that the fraud still continues in the foreclosure process to this day: Priceless
Is sick to read all the stories about foreclosure and nothing really has been done to protect our community ,my family have been and we are still victims of this financial fraud situation since we decided to invest in real state.We have not money left the banks,lawyer etc. specially bank of America has taken our lives and our finanzas
Away.We are about to loose our last property and we do not know what to do.We are tired filing complains with attorney general etc. There is not lawyers that we can count on. the broker and the real state back in 2005 get us into a toxic arm mortgage we never could change the terms of the loan it was sold to countrywide bank of America had been the service of our loan and the investor Merrill Lynch. I had read agreements between bank of America and general attorneys , FHA and fredie mac where bank of America should help people with this loans , but rather of helping Bank Amerca received more money and keep doing fraudulent transactions. So we are still under the water and getting deeper every day. SOS I am Latin and I had and still being hammered ,no hope … pls we need help