
Unconscionable in Adhesion Contracts with South Florida Attorney James “Randy” Ackley

The Neil Garfield Show @ 6PM Eastern

Tonight Attorney James Randy Ackley returns to the Neil Garfield Show and will continue the conversation about adhesion contracts he touched on during the  April 29, 2016. broadcast.  During the show, Ackley discussed raising issues of unconscionability in regards to defending against foreclosure.

Over the past 25 years Randy has devoted his life to disaster relief and humanitarian aid having been employed at the American Red Cross and in charge of Presbyterian Global Disaster Assistance.   Randy has been on the ground when Hurricanes like Andrew and Katrina struck, responded to tornados and floods, faced armed conflict in Kosovo, economic collapse in Bulgaria, the Indian Ocean tsunami in South Asia and earthquakes in Haiti and Japan- all while keeping his membership active in the Florida BAR.

When Randy says he can help save your home- he means just that.  Randy has helped save homes that are in the paths of Tsunamis, volcanos, hurricanes and wars- and even in more mundane venues- but equally dangerous areas- like court rooms.

Randy has stated that home losses are the consequence of bad actions by banks that caused families to lose their homes.  Randy Ackley believes that if the laws on the books are enforced, families can fight back and avoid losing their homes altogether. While many people may still perceive foreclosure as similar to that of our grandparents’ day, Randy points out that many people now realize that contemporary foreclosure is often the result of failings, or outright fraudulent behavior, of the lenders and the industry, and that these are very different circumstances from the foreclosures of the past.

If you are in Florida and are looking for help with your foreclosure, especially your foreclosure trial, call James “Randy” Ackley at  561-594-5671 for a FREE CONSULTATION.
