“This seems to be more systemic problem, like social injustice when big banks take people’s property while they’re incarcerated. Rich people took his home. It’s a cycle poor people get wrapped up in. It’s an underclass system. They’re trying to re-incarcerate him.”
Homeowner Charged with Lying to Judge in Foreclosure Case: “I Was Never Served”
Now, this isn’t the most upstanding individual, and I am not sure if he was actually severed or not, but to be charged for false swearing, a fourth-degree crime punishable by up to 18 months in prison, for only stating he never received notice of the foreclosure, is a little extreme.
He’s was charged with lying under oath to Judge Paul Innes, Mercer’s presiding judge of general equity/probate court, about whether he received notice about the foreclosure.
Agabetti says he never received a notice. Prosecutors contend a courier served the notice with a date to appear in court to challenge the foreclosure.
Agabetti missed the court date then tried to explain to a judge that he didn’t know about it. When the judge asked him how he knew his home was in foreclosure, he gave an answer the judge didn’t buy.
Agabetti says he was in Talbot Hall, a transitional assessment inmate center in Kearny where he was sent to serve out the remainder of his drug sentence, when he was visited by a real estate attorney who offered to buy his house.
He said that’s the first time he was made aware that his home was in foreclosure and relayed as much to the judge.
“He gave me a letter with his letterhead and his name,” Agabetti said.
Agabetti says the unnamed attorney offered him $42,000 for his home. He said the attorney found out about the foreclosure after it was listed in the newspaper.
Agabetti offered to show the attorney’s letter to the judge, but wasn’t allowed to do so.
“I think it’s a civil rights violation, big time,” he said. “The judge judged me without hearing all the evidence. If he would have given me two hours he could have showed him the paper.”
Agabetti later found himself charged with lying. He says he has since lost the letter.
Somebody bought the lien to his home, Agabetti says, purchased the house for $25,000 and flipped it three weeks later for $105,000.
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