How One New York homeowner triumphed Over foreclosure
For Pamela Litzsey-Thomas, going into foreclosure on her Niagara Falls home was just another in a series of financial setbacks that included losing her job and getting inundated with medical bills after she was struck by a bus. “I just kept feeling like I was being slapped in the face,” she said.
But Litzsey-Thomas refused to give up the house where she lived with her young son, even as her attempts to get a loan modification were stymied. Like hundreds of homeowners across the state, help finally came in the form of the New York State Mortgage Assistance Program (NYS-MAP).
In 2014, the Office of Attorney General Eric Schneiderman launched NYS-MAP to keep families out of foreclosure. In less than three years of operation, the program has loaned $18 million to homeowners and prevented more than 650 foreclosures.
Litzsey-Thomas secured a NYS-MAP loan in 2015 that helped her to reinstate her affordable mortgage after receiving help from Legal Services for the Elderly, Disabled or Disadvantaged of Western New York, Inc. LSED is a member of the New York State Attorney General’s Homeowner Protection Program, a network of over 85 organizations dedicated to providing homeowners with free, qualified mortgage assistance relief services across New York.
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