Wells Fargo Foreclosed Home Filled with Feces and Trash Now Getting Cleaned Up
JACKSONVILLE (KATV) — A Jacksonville home filled with garbage, feces, rats and cockroaches, is finally getting cleaned.
Scott Camp, a homeowner living next to 64 Caddo Trails, had told KATV another neighbor and himself have voluntarily been cutting the grass for months at the foreclosed home. Camp said the woman who used to live there had left back in early May, but the utilities had been shut off for months.
On Wednesday Camp tells Channel 7 News, a cleaning crew arrived in the early morning hours.
“Anxious to see what kind of job they do on it, the stench is pretty bad, they opened one window and they got the garage door open, I guess where they can carry out the trash,” Camp said.
According to the deed obtained by KATV, following a foreclosure the home is owned by Wells Fargo. Two weeks ago, a representative had told KATV they weren’t aware that the home was in such condition.
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I’d love to see the print out of expenditures they write off and or bill for on this one. I’ll bet they were driving by monthly and charging that fampus drive by fee before the owner left. Once she was gone, their job was done. Pigs!