FEDSPEAK: Shadow Banking Reemerges, Posing Challenges to Banks and Regulators
Shadow banking has come roaring back and in new forms that still manage to escape bank regulation and could pose systemic risks since these activities remain deeply intertwined with traditional banking.
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Shadow Banking Reemerges, Posing Challenges to Banks and Regulators
This interview with ERIC JON PHELPS is interesting in regards to banking:
And this is the cause of the whole mortgage crises !! SHADOW BANKING is another way of saying , FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT , and that is the Illegal scheme that was perpetrated on the American people ! The real contract that they involve you in , while thinking your in a mortgage contract with another entity!?!? After all , there were Mortgage documents . A Promissory Note . Monthly Statements and payments sent to the ” LENDER ” All a LIE to hide what is really going on . The Claimed LENDER is in breach of the terms of the Mortgage contract because they cannot meet the criteria of the lender . because they ” fraudulently conceal ” the real contract you are in and the true Identity of who has funded it . All done without your knowledge and permission . The way this is executed drives a stake right through the heart of the contract process !!! Consummation , Mutual assent , which is vital to any contract CANNOT BE ACHIEVED ! And what about the violation of the Truth in Lending Act ? they seem to have gotten away with it once , as our good old Government allowed the abuse !!! But it’s illegal as hell !!!