
Chicago to Pull $25 Million From Wells Fargo After Scandal

Chicago Treasurer Kurt Summers plans to divest $25 million the city has invested with Wells Fargo & Co. after the company admitted to opening potentially millions of bogus client accounts, joining state officials who have pulled business from the bank because of the scandal.

Summers, whose office manages the city’s $7 billion investment portfolio, plans to “unwind these assets as expeditious as possible in a fashion that is prudent and will protect taxpayer money,’’ according to a statement from his office sent to Bloomberg News.

“The City Treasurer is proud to stand with working families from Chicago and across the nation by divesting in Wells Fargo & Co.,’’ according to the e-mailed statement. “Chicago deserves better.’’

The move comes amid mounting pressure on Wells Fargo, which is facing a national furor over the fake accounts debacle. After California’s treasurer barred the bank from bond and investment deals last week, Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs said he plans to take similar steps. On Monday, he said he’s suspending $30 billion in investment activity from Wells Fargo, which won’t be a broker dealer for the state for at least a year.

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