From The Livinglies’s Weblog ~ “Trust me, I’m your friend.” “Hi! I want to be your Lender” (pretender lender) “I’ve got a great deal for …
From The Livinglies’s Weblog ~ “Trust me, I’m your friend.” “Hi! I want to be your Lender” (pretender lender) “I’ve got a great deal for …
Continuous housing foreclosures have made this the deepest housing crisis since the great depression. As Seth Doane reports, one judge has become determined to keep …
A Bronx homeowner is scheduled for a courtroom battle royale later this month — facing off in Manhattan bankruptcy court against the largest foreclosure mill …
Alex Jones breaks down the takeover by offshore banking powers– newly empowered by Congress’ banking “reform,” expanded taxes worldwide, as well as accelerated moves towards …
As I sit here on this 4th of July weekend to write this article and reflect on what is happening in this once great nation, …
Florida, check your circuit websites. It looks like more and more counties are adopting the “rocket docket” since they received the new allocated money… Now, …
Somebody Everybody want to educate this “fool” on how the Homeowners took down the Entire Global Economy??? Defaulting Homeowners Finally Pay the Price By Dan …
Well lookie here… Can it be true??? A two year moratorium on foreclosures??? ~ A positive bank article on 4closureFraud.org??? ~ M&I Extends Foreclosure Moratorium …
One of the avid readers of this blog alerted me to this very interesting development… Now, how brazen, or maybe just plain incompetent, is this? …
EDINBURG — Elsa Municipal Judge Hilda Caceres was sentenced Wednesday to five years of probation for faking required signatures on a $227,000 loan application. An …