From the man who brought us Bankster v. Deadbeat Debate… And most recently Untangling the Foreclosure Mystery… Now we get his next article… But first, some …
From the man who brought us Bankster v. Deadbeat Debate… And most recently Untangling the Foreclosure Mystery… Now we get his next article… But first, some …
College Conspiracy The housing bubble 2.o From the Press Release: We just released ‘College Conspiracy’ a day early so that NIA members can see the …
I thought the IMF only figuratively raped and pillaged… ~ IMF’s Strauss-Kahn Charged With Attempted Rape in New York May 15 (Bloomberg) — Dominique Strauss-Kahn, …
You cant make this stuff up folks… ~ “In a “strange twist,” according to the Kaneshiros’ complaint, BOA had filed a foreclosure action against Kim …
Hundreds of homeowners, just in Ingham County, have been illegally foreclosed upon, according to the Court of Appeals Nick Reeser’s love for his grandma …
This is how they rig the game against servicemembers… The banks pay the attorney to “defend” the servicemember, which pays very well for no or …
The Market Ticker – Bank of America to Utah: Stick State Law Up Your Ass Seriously, that’s what they said: But Bank of America contends …
Who’s on first? Whoopsi… Check it out, pretty comical… BANK v. WRIGHT WACHOVIA BANK, N.A., Plaintiff-Respondent, v. GREGORY WRIGHT a/k/a GREG WRIGHT, MRS. GREGORY WRIGHT, …
PRESS RELEASE May 12, 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Greensboro, NC May 12, 2011 Contact: Jeff Thigpen Kevin Harvey Ph. 336-451-5300 Ph. 978-542-1724 Ph. 336-641-3239 1st. …
Plaintiff argues that the allonge presented by Saxon, purporting to be the allonge transferring the note from eHome Credit Corp to Option One is …