The Market Ticker – Why Do YOU Obey The Law?
Why do you??? Why does anyone??? Really, why do you??? Think about it, really really think about it… “I haven’t seen any widespread problem” ~ …
Foreclosure Fraud
Why do you??? Why does anyone??? Really, why do you??? Think about it, really really think about it… “I haven’t seen any widespread problem” ~ …
The Washington Post is loving this stuff… We are providing and they are reporting… Funny how we have been screaming this for about a year …
HA ha ha HA ha HA ha he he Ha HA! The article below, Ally’s New Campaign Replaces Commercials That Showed Bankers as Cheaters, came …
September 24, 2010 Michael J. Williams President and Chief Executive Officer Fannie Mae 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20016 Dear Mr. Williams, We are …
Ally Financial Inc.’s GMAC Mortgage unit told Freddie Mac that foreclosures by the auto and home lender might have been faulty weeks before halting its …
Anyone who is facing foreclosure judicial or non-judicial that has issues with either Cottrell or Stephan contact me now… Criteria Families that would be willing …
“If Judge Colton was wrong,” Judge Blanc said, “the case can be appealed, and it will come back.” ~ Gotta love that Chief Judge Blanc… …
So yesterday I get an email from the Washington Post requesting some documents that Jeffrey Stephan signed in NON-Judicial states, since they are only halting …
MEENU SASSER Garret Bender and his wife Gina started a court battle more than a year ago against SunTrust Mortgage, which wanted to foreclose on …
A 30 minute video was just provided to me that appears to be some type of security video of a deposition… The audio quality isn’t …