Death by Foreclosure? Cop Killed by Own Gun Days Before Forced Sale of His Home
“Officials said at the time that homicide remains a possibility, but added that they also are looking into whether it was self-inflicted.” ~ Foreclosure records …
“Officials said at the time that homicide remains a possibility, but added that they also are looking into whether it was self-inflicted.” ~ Foreclosure records …
August 8, 2016 Update: Payments to nearly 650,000 borrowers of servicers supervised by the Federal Reserve who cashed or deposited their initial checks to begin …
Fannie, Freddie Could Need as Much as $126 Billion in Crisis Regulator’s stress test subjects companies to severe downturn Companies would still have $132 billion …
Sorry You Lost Your Home: Americans Deserve More than an Apology for the Foreclosure Fraud Epidemic “I lost my home of 30 years to fraudclosure.” …
MERSCORP Holdings, Inc. v. Malloy: Game Changer? Connecticut Supreme Court Upholds New Fee on Lending Industry As local budgets faced pressures from the recent economic …
The STRANGEST Foreclosure EVER! (Courts Ignoring the EVIDENCE) For so long now, we’ve all known that the biggest problems caused in foreclosures are not caused …
Defrauded Homeowners Can’t Trust Courts to Stop Fraudulent Foreclosure Sales After all the problems the country had with the dishonest banking system causing the mortgage …
New U.S. Mortgage Rules Aim to Stop Wrongful Foreclosures The U.S. agency charged with protecting consumers’ finances approved rules on Thursday that will help prevent …
“Lawyers abusing the foreclosure process to enrich their private bank accounts is a practice that undermines citizen’s faith in the legal profession” ~ Judge Fines …
“The entire system of conveyancing is premised on formal documentation and proper processes. In a typical conveyancing transaction, the solicitor is involved at many stages …