All I ever do on this site is provide facts and empower readers to come to their own conclusions.

Here is my latest example…

By Kimberly Miller
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

A Palm Beach County judge ruled in favor of law firm Shapiro & Fishman today, saying the state attorney general has no power to subpoena or investigate law firms.

Judge Jack S. Cox quashed a subpoena filed by the attorney general seeking information regarding Shapiro & Fishman’s forelcosure-related practices.

Cox said it is the Florida Bar’s responsibility to investigate law firms, not the attorney general.

“It should also be observed,” Cox noted in his ruling, “that the subpoena served by the attorney general is not only overbroad, vague, inconsistent and unduly burdensome, but it is both invasive and highly unlikely to reveal actionable conduct on the part of the Shapiro firm.”


“overbroad, vague, inconsistent and unduly burdensome”

Has anyone received that same answer from the Foreclosure Mill on their request?

“Has no power to subpoena or investigate law firms.”

Why are they trying to protect these fraudsters? If they have done nothing wrong, then why not answer the requests?

How about we do it like this then.

Let’s play…

Florida Citizens v Shapiro & Fishman, Foreclosure Mills, et al.

You up for it? We are…

We have nothing left to lose…

Arent you a “deadbeat” yourself Mr Shapiro?

Gerald M. Shapiro of Shapiro & Fishman, CEO of LOGS Group, Faces Foreclosure


But aside from that how about we look at this from a post I did back in August…

LINK – Shapiro & Fishman Accuses McCollum of Grandstanding, Files Motion to Quash Subpoena in Palm Beach County Circuit Court

The firm’s response came Friday in a motion to quash a subpoena in Palm Beach County Circuit Court.

Why, do you ask…

Well, I am no expert on getting subpoenaed by the Attorney General, but I do have an inquisitive mind…

Is it because Shapiro and Fishmans’ attorney, Gerald Richman of Richman Greer, is located in Palm Beach County?

Or is it because Gerald Richman of Richman Greer is so tight with PBC Chief Judge Peter Blanc they decided that would be their best venue?

Quote from the LINK – Daily Business Review

After a call was made to Sasser’s office seeking comment, attorney Gerald Richman of Richman Greer in West Palm Beach called the Review. He said he “heard” about the article and wanted to speak in support of the judge on behalf of the American Board of Trial Advocates, which he said normally responds to what might be “unfair criticism of judges.”

When pressed about how he found out the Review was working on this article, he said Palm Beach Circuit Chief Judge Peter Blanc asked him to call in support of Sasser, who is prevented from commenting about pending cases and motions for recusal by judicial canon.

You can check out that full article here…

Never understood why they would send in an attorney that represents a foreclosure mill to defend a Judge that was being accused of favoring foreclosure mills, but who am I to question that decision…

I guess Blanc and Richman must be pretty good friends for him to call on him like that…

Anyway, it might be nothing, but my tinfoil hat has been acting up lately so one never knows.

Well it looks like my tinfoil hat is still broken…

I dunno, just sayin…

Now get over on every site that is pushing this propaganda and get involved in the comments and direct them to these facts…



Shapiro Fishman v State of Florida Attorney General – Order Granting Petition to Quash