“To have standing, as a plaintiff, in a mortgage foreclosure action, must a party show  that it owned the NOTE and the MORTGAGE when the complaint was filed?”


OHIO SUPREME COURT to Make Landmark Decision


Justices to soon make landmark decision

Affecting ALL Ohio Homeowners in foreclosure

The Ohio Supreme Court recently agreed to review a request (from US BANK NA) to resolve what “appears” to be conflicting appellate court decisions in OHIO foreclosure case law. At the heart of this so called conflict is an issue that Plaintiff banks, pretend lenders, and phony Trustees have continuously slipped past our “asleep-at-the-wheel” judges. A similar and deep sleep was exhibited by our U.S. Government (SEC, OCC, OTS) and the rating agencies (Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, Fitch), for years while the Banks went wild! Now, the Ohio Supreme Court is going to attempt a judicial “closing of the barn door”…years after the “animals”…all got away.

Check out the rest here…

Case file below…




CERTIFY CONFLICT – U.S. Bank National Assoc. v. Antoine Duvall

CASE ANNOUNCEMENT – U.S. Bank National Assoc. v. Antoine Duvall