Florida Judges are meeting with bank lawyers to discuss how to work together to kick more Floridians out of their homes. Would these judges meet with regular everyday Florida families (the 99%) to help them use the courts to keep their homes? Guess who’s moderating this forum! Yes, Victor Tobin who was the CHIEF JUDGE of Broward Court until July 1st when he left abruptly to work for banks’ foreclosure law firm (Marshall Watson) one of the fraudclosure targets under investigation for foreclosure fraud & illegally kicking Floridians out of their homes.

Please join us on Oct 28th in Fort Lauderdale to protest this clear example of judicial bias and impropriety and corruption.

RSVP to michael@4closureFraud.org

Looking for a good turnout for this one so if you can be there, be there…

If we do not get enough participation we will call it off. So if you live in South Florida we expect to see you there.

The Details:

View From the Bench: Bankruptcy & Foreclosure

Friday, October 28, 2011

8:30 a.m. – Noon

Broward Center for the Performing Arts

Abdo New River Room

201 S.W. 5th Avenue

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312

Panel 1: The Current State of Foreclosures

Senior Judge Robert Carney, 15th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida

Judge Marina Garcia-Wood, 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida

Judge Michael L. Gates, 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida

Judge Robert W. Lee, 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida

Moderated by Victor Tobin, former Chief Judge of the 17th Judicial Circuit of Florida

now of the Law Firm of Marshall C. Watson

Panel 2: Foreclosure & Personal Bankruptcy

Judge Jack Tuter, 17th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida

Judge Ronald Dresnick, 11th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida

Awaiting Confirmation from two other circuit court judges

Moderated by William Heller, Akerman Senterfitt,

Shareholder – Chair, National Consumer Finance Litigation & Compliance Practice Group

Panel 3: Commercial Bankruptcy

Chief Judge Paul G. Hyman, U.S. Bankruptcy Court

Judge Erik P. Kimball, U.S. Bankruptcy Court

Judge John Olson, U.S. Bankruptcy Court

Judge Raymond B. Ray, U.S. Bankruptcy Court

Moderated by Thomas M. Messana, Messana P.A.

Early Registration Discount

DBR Subscribers $49; DBR non-subscribers $59

Event Organizer: Jordan A. Dresnick

4.0 General CLE Credits Pending Approval from The Florida Bar

For more information contact Joanne Beaudry at 305-347-6643 or jbeaudry@alm.com


Again, if interested in attending the protest, RSVP to michael@4closureFraud.org for details…

Please commit to attending.

