Naked Capitalism | Schneiderman Propagandist Confirms Report of Lack of Staffing for Mortgage Fraud Task Force

There’s nothing like watching someone who is already in a hole dig deeper.

Yesterday, the New York Daily News ran an article that chronicled how the much ballyhooed mortgage fraud task force was going nowhere fast. It quoted task force co-chairman Eric Schneiderman as saying that the effort had no staff and no executive director and the Justice Department confirming that the effort had no office.

The problem, of course, is that bout of candor is inconsistent with recent efforts of the Administration to pretend that there was a serious effort underway. So, not surprisingly, a piece appeared today in the Nation that tried to dispute the Daily News account but a discerning reader would see it as a de facto confirmation.

We’ll get to the Nation piece in short order, but to give a bit more background, last week, the DoJ provided this bureaucratic confection in response to Dave Dayen’s inquiry on the task force’s status:

The new Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Working Group is marshaling parallel efforts on the state and federal levels to collaborate on current and future investigations, pooling resources and streamlining processes to investigate those responsible for misconduct contributing to the financial crisis in a comprehensive way. Significant efforts continue to move forward and if they uncover evidence of fraud or other illegal conduct, we will pursue such conduct aggressively.

Notice how wonderfully abstract this statement is? The key bit, if you read closely, is that the ONLY activity described is that of coordinating existing efforts. An anonymous DoJ source maintained that there were at least 50 DoJ staffers working on the effort. Dayen raised the question of whether they were working on the investigation or working on getting the effort staffed. I wonder, instead, what “working on” means (as in being in any way involved in the communication chain could be defined to be “working on”). Since the other co-chair, Lanny Breuer, had said the initiative would have only 55 people working on it, if 50 really were already up and running, there’d be no reason for the official response to be so labored. You’d get something more along the lines of: “We are at over 90% of our targeted manpower level.”

Rest here…
