Now how fun is this? At 9am on Feb 8th 2011 will be on site to film at a South Florida Bank while the entire contents of the bank is seized due to lack of payment of attorneys fees in a foreclosure defense case.
Now while the seizure does not include the Bank’s cash, it does include a nice list of items inside the building. We will be escorted by the local authorities who will be acting under a previously issued court order.
Once inside, the team will confiscate the bank’s property and load it onto a truck.
Video of this event will be posted shortly thereafter.
See Video at Link Below
LINK – Deadbeat Bank | Raw Video of Sheriff Serving Writ of Possession on Bank to Seize All Property Including ALL Cash
Is David Stern associated with this?
Does anyone know how to find (current) Class Action suits against certain banks and how to add their name to the list?
Email me I know of a few depends on your location and if the suit is accepting new litigants
What agency is doing this ? FDIC ?-State AG’s ? Judge ? County or State or Supreme level court ? or FBI ?
4closurefraud Org. …Thanks for all the hard work you do with your website and going the “extra mile” for us.
This film will lift my spirits again as you have so many other days & posts, cannot wait to see this film,
hope all goes well.
God Bless You All
It’s probably the sherriff … same guy who is forced to move people out of homes when the bank steals them.. He/She is probably looking forward to this as much as we are.
oh boy can’t wait to we get a seizure order on jamie dimon’s house and all his personal cash and the fraudosures people. put chase out of business. they won’t have any puters or desks to do business.
they will have to get replacements from bernake and walsh at the occ and borrow the money from geitner
Where’s the “super-like” button!!!
wish I could be there to celebrate–can we get details on what happened that the bank didn’t pay fees on?
i want to know what bank it is also,i hope it is select portfolio servsing aka fairbanks,bamk of america how abouit al of the ones that heart all of us and thats all most all of them,they comit fraud they should be in jail for it,when are the arrest warrents coming on the robo signers,the mortgage servisers,the att,the brokers the fake noterys that help sign the mortgage assignments WHERE ARE THE ARRESTS on these peaple?
I applaud the event and can’t wait to post it on my social media web sites. I have been thinking as I watch the impact of social media on revolutions across the pond in Iran, Tunisia and Egypt that the pro justice movement to hold banks accountable should be able to make repossession of family homes viral. If small groups of people showed up @ Sheriff sales to watch the bidders (especially banks bidding for the very same homes they foreclosed on) and posted it on the web perhaps we could find some leverage to get the politicians to do their job of enforcing the fees and penalties on the banks under the existing HAMP guidelines.
What bank is it? I hope it is EverHome Bank
Can I bring the Cake? Publix has a very special icecream cake and you have to order in advance, do I have time?Can you ask for more time to stage a party also?