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Considering doing a “loan modification?” Well, you might want to check out the above video first.

In a “loan modification?” This is how it goes in so many cases. You do everything right and they foreclose on you anyway.

Been denied a “loan modification?” Then you know exactly what I am about to say…

First they take your money, string you along until they can get every last dime from you. They know exactly what you have because you provided them all your financials.

In the mean time, while you are making your “trial payments” you are accruing late fees because you are not making your full payments…

Next, they take your credit score. Even though you are paying the required payments that the bank has told you to pay, they report you as delinquent to the credit bureaus because you were not making your full payment.

Then comes the threat letter to the tune of something like “You need to pay us $12,000 within 30 days or we will foreclose.”

So you unload the last of your 401k to pay the $12k to save your home. How did the bank know you had $12k to cover their demand? Oh yea, that’s right, you already gave them all of your financial information and they knew they could squeeze the last few dollars of your retirement money out of you.

Hence, there goes any savings or retirement money you had left.

Shortly thereafter, you get a letter saying you loan modification was denied and your home is going up for foreclosure even though you did everything “right.”

And you know what the real kicker is in all this? When you get your foreclosure papers, all the money you put into the modification is not reflected on the amounts due and owing. Yep, that’s right. All the trial payments that you made, poof, gone, into some “suspense account” never to be seen again…

Then the house goes back to the “bank” for $100 and another family is out on the street for doing what the “bank” told them to do…

For some, it even gets worse from here… Family falls apart, loss of job, health deteriorates etc…

All for what? What is the end game here folks? How much more do these greedy bastards need?

I’m sorry to be so cynical here but this is the same story we hear over and over and over again.

When is it going to be enough? When will the masses awake to and realize this is the biggest PONZI SCHEME that has ever been perpetrated on the people in the history of the world?

When will you stand up and say No More?

Don’t forget to watch the above video by clicking on the above image or by clicking here…
