From the man who brought us Bankster v. Deadbeat Debate…

Then part one of Untangling the Foreclosure Mystery… HOW THE DOG ATE MY MORTGAGE ASSIGNMENT…


Next up, Part 3 of  “How the dog ate my mortgage assignment”.  Time to start taking a look at the Courts and the Judges.

But first, some comments from Matt…

Here’s my favorite part –

You see, the vast majority of the Judges salaries are directly paid for by Banks. I kid you not, read that again. According to Holly Elomina, 79% of the Court funding comes from the State Courts Revenue Trust Fund, of which 79% of that funding comes DIRECTLY from Foreclosure filing fees. That means that 62.4%, nearly 2/3rds of Garcia’s and Audlin’s salaries comes DIRECTLY from Banks that are foreclosing. Think about that impartiality next time you’re standing as a pro se defendant, vs. a banker’s lawyer, in front of a Judge whose salary comes from that very same plaintiff.

The Judges have a very real and direct motivation to see to it that foreclosures move smoothly through their system, and that nothing deters them from continuing to be filed. While Elomina agrees with my math, she states, “10% of the Court’s state budget comes from General Revenue. This GR pays for part of the Judge’s salaries. How much, I do not know. It could be 50%, it could be 25%. Without knowing how much of a judge’s salary comes from GR, you have no way to calculate how much comes from the SCRTF.”

Really? Perhaps a more Keys oriented analogy might help. A bartender at the Parrot fills up a pitcher, 2/3rds with Bankster Brew, and the rest with a mixture of assorted beers, one being General Revenue Ale. The Judges all pour themselves a nice frosty mug from the pitcher, blow off the foreclosure fraud froth, and swig it back. Explain to me how the Judges didn’t just enjoy a nice cold beer comprised primarily of Bankster Brew.

Now get over to the original post to read the article in its entirety and get involved in the comments here…

If we can get more local voices to speak out, we can really educate the masses…

Once again, big thanks to Matt and  his editors for reporting the truth
