Georgia Homeowner Wins 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Victory
Justice@Home Family (and all those fighting fraudulent foreclosures and wealth transfer),
While the battle continues, If you’ve not heard already, we have great news. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals vacated a United States District Court ruling which favored the banksters – New York Bank of Mellon Trust, GMAC, JP Morgan Chase, Et al.
Few believed that they could do it, but for the Madzimoyo who are representing themselves (pro se litigants) “fighting is winning.” Here’s what they predicted in April 2011:
This 11th Circuit ruling thwarts one of the banksters favorite strategies and paves the way for the home-owners to continue their suit to force the banksters to prove that they have standing. The 3-judge decision was delivered on Sept. 7, 2011 and was mandated on Oct. 12th (See key quote or entire order below.)
This 11th Circuit ruling is significant because it supported the homeowners contention that there were no federal questions in their complaint (a petition for a temporary restraining order (TRO)), and that the US District Court should have remanded the case back to DeKalb County, GA State Superior Court, as the Madzimoyos argued in their motion to have the case remanded (sent back) to state Court.
You can check out the rest with the ruling here…
Contact the FBI and the Justice department. They will tell you they pick and choose their cases. This is bullshit. My neighbor is being represented by the US Attorneys office at Federal Plaza in NY. Looking into it. The guys a tradesman, why would they represent him.? Remember, this is FEDERAL.
Keep you posted.
Good luck, which is nothing more then not giving up to all !!!!!
Any questions call me @ 646 485 0616. Not an attorney, just some one who sees through government nonsense and pushes on.
WTG! Congratulations!! I’m in GA. and I’m right behind you in my case as well. And we are ProSe litigants. I get so tired of everyone telling me that, “I need an attorney”. Well, an attorney is what got us in this mess to begin with so we intend to join you in fighting these inflated banks and these bunch of fraudsters!!!
i have been fighting with wells fargo since 2009 i have been involved with the modification scam which of course stems from the underwriting crisis of 2006 appraisals that are fraudulent, mortgage application fraud. i am livid and have wrote every government agency. i get a call this week on my voice machine from a some guy from the “office if the president of wells fargo” he states i received you corrospondence from pam bondi’s office and am looking into fraud???????
anyones opinion would be greatlyy bappretiated
sorry left out all the other frauds, origination fraud, modification fraud, and the lovley lose the paper work fraud, and then of course the ultimate in reindeer games folks the “tell the customer not to pay m to be able to apply for hamp loan frau” it goes on and on kind of like out favorite childhood son 100 bottles of beer on the wall. that our parenets hated and now we are parents we hate when our kids sing it, well this mess feels alot like that song. its amazing how much we all on here know, but how much we want resolutions and we cant seem to get it.
If you get a chance, please listen to this Podcast from Mandelman. The annoying salsa music in the beginning (I do LIKE salsa music – but the same tune over and over is annoying – lol) goes away after about 2-3 minutes. Its very revealing in what this securitization attorney has to say about the servicers and their game-playing and ripping off investors and homeowners. Very interesting.
I received the same call from Wells’ “Office of the President”. Do NOT waste your time with this! You need to speak to a QIB, Qualified Institutional Banker, CFO – Sloan. Take your case to the Federal District Court and sue Wells Fargo and any other persons associated with the issues of your situation. They will NOT address any alleged fraud. You have to make them provide various documentation in Discovery to get them in a position of default. Pony up $350 to get your case into Federal District court and move forward. Hopefully, you’ve defaulted them administratively, by noticing them and questioning there standing in the matter. Default them, where they have been recontracted by your documents and have shown that they have breached their fiduciary duties, contract, etc. Do not waste your time and try to recontract with them over the phone. The sooner you get them into a Federal District Court (Preferably the District court of the District of Columbia). You may have a better chance going into the Chancery Court jurisdiction of Equity to plead your case.
TOmmy you did not say your state but james m on the foreclosure hamlet has alot of insight into these cases ask for james m phone # good like i understand i have 3 kids. i have questio if we write all the government entities occ ag senate does this mean they cant lie abot the fraud? Does it mean they know i am part of the 97%? if they dont settle we have along court case what else can i do positon my self i know the loans are fake please watch the zeigiast addendum on you tube. they are hoping on 97% not knowing this info whic to me is pretty sick