Southern Essex Register of Deeds John O’Brien: “My registry is a crime scene.”
The register of deeds for Southern Essex fights the good fight against banks that falsify ownership and foreclosure documents.
John O’Brien isn’t camping out on the streets of New York with Occupy Wall Street, but he might as well be. O’Brien, the embattled register of deeds for Southern Essex (Salem), has been carrying on his own fight with the big banks, which, he says, have ruined his registry of deeds by swamping it with fraudulent documents and victimizing registry users.
O’Brien, who has been waging his war with the banks since before OWS first camped out in Zuccotti Park, says his registry is “a crime scene because of Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase.” The big banks, he says, have left the registry awash with more than 30,000 robo-signed or otherwise fabricated documents.
O’Brien calls the flooding of registries across the U.S. with falsified documents “the largest scandal to affect the integrity of the land recordation system in this country since its inception.” He uses the services of a mortgage fraud analyst to help identify false documents, and he and his staff maintain a list of people they know to be robo-signers not actually working for the lenders they sign for. He invites people to bring him paperwork they believe is fraudulent, and he supplies them with affidavits they can take to court attesting that the documents are suspect.
Check out the rest here…
Mr. O’Brien is a true hero. I had to write an email to his office this evening and send him oodles of praise. Check out the Web site for this county — extremely impressive! They are extra homeowner friendly and helpful.
God bless ’em!
WIsh there were more like him!
In every country across this great Nation we have to occupy the Land Registrys Office
and get the Registrars of the deeds to follow John O’briens lead.
All the fraudulent title transfers done by the Title Attorneys with their fraudulent and forged documents
have to be corrected by the Registrars. What good are Land records if they don’t reflect the true owners
The whole mortgage process, servicers and every home that has been Fraudclosed are a crime scene !
The FED is doing more sneaky QE3 today and feeding the banks….the stock market is up..Rick Santelli from CNBC said they are using a fire hose to put out a gasoline fire…What that means for us is more inflation, we will be paying more for everything and they are devaluating the dollar even more.. They are bankrupting the American people right in front of our faces…THIS IS SNEAKY, STRATEGIC CLASS WARFARE OUT OF NAZI GERMANY’S PLAYBOOK…NEITSCHZE STYLE CLASS WARFARE THE FOURTH REICH HAS HIJACKED AMERICA……Obama is a traitor…Congress too…they all need to be thrown out…STOP COMPLYING AND CONFORMING AMERICA…! The FED is printing money at an alarming rate with nothing but a poor economy to back that up….47% of people in America are living below the poverty line…!!
MASSIVE FRAUD ….Good for Mr O’Brien he is a man of integrity and honor.
There are Solutions number is Organize, Help Each Other and FIGHT FOR YOUR HO– USE and what’s yours.
They are completely ignoring our property rights in open court as well….and trying to make you believe that you have no rights or protections because someone is owed this money….!!! They are LIARS AND THEIVES!!!! Fraudclosure courts are crime scenes too…the banks are running the place and they are otright stealing American homes and businesses they have no legal right to take…! Where are the Occupy protestors and the reporters? They need to bear witness to this and let everyone know the truth…They are stealing our country in order to bankrupt us and steal our National Sovereignty!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! STOP CONFORMING AND COMPLYING WITH THE BEAST….!!! The real players behind the scenes of this financial holocaust are evil and want to steal everything from all of us, in order to destroy us and take America over without ever firing a shot!!! With every mortgage payment they collect, credit card we use, bank we patronize, home we allow them to steal, investment that we make on Wall Street, hyper-inflated property tax bill that we pay, we are making the beast stronger, and us weaker….If we don’t stop complying and conforming, one day soon, we will all wake up broke and homeless in the nation our fathers conquered…!
A notary was found dead just the other day, she stood up against the empire, lost her right to life.
John O’Brien is living up to his “oath of office”. If you are a County Clerk are you living up to your oath of office?