My Dear Fellow Attorneys:
I have spent this week, the week we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr and his accomplishments during the civil rights movement, thinking about the very real parallels between that tumultuous time and where we are today in this country. Especially today, when I serving a sentence in a jail of sorts, I have been considering how King and his followers were constantly attacked. The attacks King and his followers suffered are not unlike the attacks that are visited upon those few who are standing up to defend consumers, fight for basic rights and the Rule of Law.
I am absolutely convinced that in the very near future, the sentiment of those who still do not fully appreciate what is happening in this country will shift in much the same way that the world now understands the profound wrongs that were visited upon nation prior to the civil rights movement. In much the same way that so many people finally woke up and became repulsed by the perpetuation of a system that was repugnant to the basic ideals this nation professed to represent, The People first will rise up to demand justice and economic rights, and then later those who are clinging to power will reluctantly yield.
My personal struggle comes at the very moment of a profound national crossroads. It has been rumored this week that the banks will announce a deal soon with the attorney generals from all across the country that have been investigating them. If any deal is indeed inked it will be a most dark day in this nation’s history. A deal between the banks and the attorney generals will indeed be the last nail in the coffin of the fiction that we are still a nation ruled by laws.
So as you think about all this, close your eyes for a moment and picture Martin Luther King sitting in a Birmingham jail and responding to a letter of complaint that he had recently received:
My Dear Fellow Attorneys:
While confined here in a foreclosure courtroom, I came across your recent statement calling my present activities “unwise and untimely.” Seldom do I pause to answer criticism of myself and the other foreclosure and consumer defense attorneys by those who do not understand that the work of defending the helpless is the highest calling of the legal profession. If I sought to answer all the criticisms that cross my desk, my secretaries would have little time for anything other than such correspondence in the course of the day, and I would have no time for constructive work. But since I feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms.
Check out Matt’s letter in full here…
It’s long but well worth the read…
Better yet, wipe your ass with the original and send it back to him. With instuctions to shove it in his mouth.
Kathryn, you can copy that letter for your records and mail him back the original with instructions to shove it up his ass. They call the media and issue press releases.
When you defend pro se, attorneys on the other side assume you are ignorant. Which is good because you catch them off guard all the time. Keep fighting.
Matt for President! Matt gets it.
I second that; only problem is those that truly care don’t get elected 🙁
Tavis Smiley in his series Remaking America touches on the base of why we are here and losing our homes. It isn’t just a housing problem but a mind set that the rich have more rights because hey are rich. Might makes right is what my Dad called it. They are entitled because of their wealth like the feudal lords and kings once were. The middle class has no right to exist in their opinion. How can anyone in their right mind vote for a Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich who blatantly takes support from Corporations to defeat the very rights and freedoms of their own constituents. To remove our access to the Courts, to actively defeat an independent organization that would secure the financial freedom and secure or defend our rights to fairness, to refuse to confirm the head of that organization that is designed to be the people’s advocate against credit abuse and do it without remorse, is to me treason. The Republican party has set themselves up against the Bill of Rights and our Constitution and they want us to rubber stamp it. Newt wants to override the Supreme Court! The Court better rethink their ruling that PACs are people because Newt and Buddies are out to put them out of business, particularly for life appointments.
Of course, none of these jokers have much integrity!
and mitt has sheltered his milllions of dollars in the cayman islands.
he made that money by wrecking distressed companies.
and paying very little or “no” taxes like the rest of us schmucks
Yes..all true…and the media is ramping up their war against Ron Paul or anyone speaking a shred of truth about this Government…I was driving in the car this morning listening to so called progressive radio bash Ron Paul as too extreme in his views on how to fix this country….Then just in case you still think you might like Mr Paul anyway…..they bring up his anti abortion stance….For the love of God people he did not say he wanted to ban abortion….he just does not believe in it…The reason they hate Ron Paul is he hates the FED….PERIOD…..and wants to abolish it…Ron Paul is being called an extremist for not being politically correct in his speech.. lMO…..all the more reason for the American people to rally around him and say…Give me liberty or give me death…..!
I gotta agree with you ivent, Ron Paul is looking like the best of all evils. Get rid of the Fed period. Worthless bunch of robber barrens. Let each individual state call their own shots.
The only reason we are here is because of treason by our own politicians…Many of the presidential appointments also have dual Israeli citizenships….Did you know Rahm Emanuel fought in the Israeli army….not the U.S. Army…..the Israeli Army….their loyalties are not to America…maybe you tube search the videos about how the U.S.MILITARY KNOWS THE MOSSAD DID 9/11….and the video from FOX NEWS that blew the whistle on them….the FBI caught them red handed on 9/11….The traitors are hidden all throughout our Government..
We does not press not break all of this open. I did get a fedex letter from BoA attorney today, basically putting a gag order on me without a judge. They ordered me to cease and desist from having any communication with anyone with regards to BofA. We, indeed, have become another North Korea or I have time lapsed back to Germany. Then last week their attorney threatened me to withdraw my motion to compel discovery or else…???? They also accused me of causing “public defamation” to BoA in my motion. I just went in to pacer and found that the judge has scheduled a hearing on my motion to compel which should be interesting. I will probably end up in jail for contempt. Always a new and fun adventure. Excuse me while I go take an aspirin for the never ending headache I have had for almost a year now. As if dealing with them is not enough, you then turn on the TV to see these criminal idiots all making fools of themselves as they vie for the big prize of the Oval office. What a sad joke on all of us.
That is truly outrageous Katherine!..I would make copies of that threatening letter…..and save that letter to use against them in court…They sound like they are getting desperate…I would not back down.
I agree with what Charles said to, but I would do that on a copy…!
The press does tell the truth from time to time…People don’t pay attention! Fox did a 2 part special on the Mossad and how the FBI caught them red handed doing 9/11…There is an you tube video of it….I will try to post the link here later…The truth is in plain sight if people really want to know….!
Look what’s happening in CA. Because of Sen Ron Calderone who chairs the Sen. Banking Comm. is responsible SB 94 saying a Atty can’t take a retainer from someone to help them with their bank, Now you are right alot of time was wasted in getting enough Attorney’s who really do want to practice real law can’t. They hancuffed us to have prooper represent in court and riculed pro se’s whom by law is entitle to help from the Judge who is worried about his 401 and all those mbs that were worthless and fraudulent from the origination.
We Want Justice! These scum need to be prosecuted to the higheat extent of the law! Boy, I guess millions and millions of people woke up one morning and said gee I think I want a “Free House”. This is just the tip of the ice berg, foreclosing on hospitals, cemetaries and now each other. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
I blame the politicians..the traitors from within..the U.S GOVERNMENT can take the land back by eminent domain if they wanted to fight this illegal and unconstitutional tyranny…Eminent domain trumps a FEE SIMPLE DEED….! The legal contract…the mortgages are destroyed because of massive fraud….What we have here is feudalism with the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT….and the U.S. GOVERNMENT ARE TRAITORS!!!!!
It was never about housing or people’s dreams! It was always, “How can we make the most money off a vulnerable public?”
Appeal to their dreams . . .
I am sorry talktotennesse, but I do not agree with you that this was about the money…! The monetary gain was used as a tool by the plutocrats to achieve their evil Hitler plan….they used the weaknesses of people and incentivized their treason with promises of money and power….untold riches in exchange for loyalty to this plan…….that is how the devils carried this evil plan out…there were many bottom feeders who got rich like mortgage brokers but they were the bit players in the grand scheme of things…all they saw was they were making a lot of money…..This was a well designed and instituted plan…Maniacal as well as diabolical…!
Talktotennessee..for example..I had a meeting with an investigator from the state AGs office many months ago about the mortgage fraud…..He told me that 4 people own and control everything…we have owners… I found that response to not only be outrageous but yet another admission of treason by the U.S. GOVERNMENT…! Money and corporations have indeed hijacked America by way of many traitors from within but they don’t own it yet…That is what they want us to think…this is war!
Dear Mr. Weidner,
Please do not give up on our honorable quest for justice and the Rule Of Law, Sir.
As Carol well knows, like her, I am a true blue “conservative” of the Barry Goldwater ilk.
I have secured several Ballot Petitions for you.
I am the only Son of career, West Point, Class of JUN 1918 #5921, U.S. Army (combat -CE) colonel, now deceased, Alexander M. Neilson. I know well that my Father would desire that you persevere and Forward March for the sake of our liberties and Constitutoon.
You are free/ permitted to contact me at ay time.
Carry on, Matt.
Robert Davis Neilson, Esq. (Fla.) “Bob”
I appreciate all that you do Matt. However, they can shove a loan mod or a short sale up their evil asses… I refuse to make a deal with the devil… I will not negotiate with these financial terrorists who committed hundreds of trillions of dollars of fraud in the names of the American people. For me, this has never been about getting a so-called “free house.” I went through the loan mod living hell. After months of being told that I was approved for the OBAMA PLAN….I felt relieved….sort of uneasy, but relieved none the less…then one beautiful August day I was devastated to learn that I was denied at the last minute by the U.S. TREASURY! To my horror I was told that the U.S. GOVERNMENT threw me under the bus! At the time I was denied, I had no idea about this evil plan or its massive scope, but I knew there was something terribly wrong.. I knew I qualified for that loan mod…! From there I discovered the scope of this evil plan was indeed massive!…I have been told by countless attorneys you cant win. I was told by an investigator from the state AG’s office……we have owners…. Then there is the guilt trip where you are told someone is owed this money… that I say No……and here is the reason why….The U.S. GOVERNMENT has betrayed the American people and there is no monetary fix for that…! As a result of that treason we are all standing at the gates of hell..It is up to all of as indiduals to decide whether or not we will make a deal with the devil or not…I for one, will not enter those gates…!
Besides Matt, their massive debt is unsustainable…I agree with Matt Taibi in his Rolling Stone article from a while back…I cant remember the exact name of that article but it was about tattoos and the Nazis..the most patriotic thing we can do as Americans is not to cooperate with these financial terrorists by paying them money they are not even owed….! I think that article deserves a repost here at this site and a reprint by Rolling Stone….These criminals do not deserve another fraudulently induced dime of U.S. TA PAYER MONEY…THEY ARE INSOLVENT.and…THEY NEED TO BE SHUT DOWN…They are holding America hostage with their $700 trillion dollars in mortgage fraud debt…We should not be enabling them by giving them any more ill gotten gains…..the truth is Matt..if the economy worsens…and it will, as long as the banks are being allowed by this Government to hold America hostage….if you sign or agree to another loan and you CANT PAY…you will have NO LEGAL RECOURSE TO SAVE YOUR HOME…..That is the DECEPTION those who are refinancing their mortgage right now do not understand……! Short sales are the show of surrender to the enemy by the American people…THE.AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO STAND THEIR GROUND…!!!!