Lawyer James Koutoulas with Rick Santelli on CNBC.

Quotes from Koutoulas:

  • “Crimes were unequivocally committed and I will do whatever I can to continue to do the government’s job for it and help see justice done.”
  • “MF Global had a choice. Do we cheat or go out of business. And they cheated. They broke the law. And these took these customer funds to cover margin calls.”
  • “Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is the biggest enabler of financial crime in U.S. history.”
  • “I will take this to all 50 states. And we will win. We will get a conviction of Jon Corzine. And the next time a sociopath CEO says ‘Do I go out of business or do I cheat,’ he’s gonna think about President Obama’s biggest fundraiser in an orange jumpsuit in state prison.”
