‘Moral issues’ lead banks to refuse porn stars bank accounts and loans
- Porn stars are being turned away by banks because of ‘moral issues’
- Several adult entertainment stars have been rejected by major banks
- Lawsuit will now decide whether such decisions are discriminatory
- Adult entertainment industry worth $14 billion a year
Being a porn star might not meet the approval of everyone you meet but you might think your bank manager would be one person who wouldn’t have cause to complain.
Adult film actress Chanel Preston has starred in close to 150 porn flicks and is well compensated for her time, but now it appears she is having trouble keeping a bank account.
Preston recently opened a business account with City National Bank in Los Angeles, the so-called ‘bank to the stars’, but when she went to deposit checks into the account days later, she was told it had been shut down, due to ‘compliance issues’.
Upon asking the manager who originally helped to open the account she asked what had happened.
He told her that the bank was worried about the raunchy and explicit webcam shows that appeared on her site and had closed the business account.
Rest here…

Way too funny. “Moral issues” ha. I am surprised that the banks even know what that means. Guess you can’t make this stuff up.
Who are they kidding? What a bunch of BS. Is this their claim to the public sheeple whom read the Head lines and go no farther LIKE THE HUGE TEN BILLION DOLLAR SETTLEMENT’ giving 300.00 checks, If you are not one whom recieved nothging at all so far, to the victims whom are homeless due to “[NOT]” being in default but victims of these unconscionable immoral, deviant, flat out evil serial financial psychopaths? Welcome to the Twilight Zone! A manipulating show! Clean hands HA! Got news for them more and more people are not sheeple anymore. The banks are singing to the wrong choir. NO ONE BELIEVES YOU ANYMORE! The average person knows of the scams now. The public no longer looks at me with a blank face when I expose your crimes. They have seen the damage and the crime. THE GENERAL PUBLIC NOW UNDERSTAND WHAT CRIMINALS YOU ARE.
Yeah gives a whole new meaning to “Clean Hands”!
Maybe the bank in question here would have had a different opinion if there was more cash flow involved, ala HSBC. Perhaps a change of profession, say to a drug cartel member is in order. Otherwise the sudden superior moral display seems quite misplaced wouldn’t you say?
Because of moral issues!!!! WTF???? I would say a porn star has more morals than a criminal rapist bank anyday
This is truly outrageous. I am scheduled to have my foreclosure hearing in front of a juge who recently was suspended from his duties for watching porn on courthouse computers after finding a way around the controls preventing him from from doing just that very thing. Only 2 month suspension while peoples homes and lifes hang in the balance. I am so disgusted. Further more the plaintiff failed to appear at “Mandatory Mediation” and the so called “fair and unbiased retired judge lied and marked him there when the rules specifically say that he should have been remanded back to court for sanctions. The acting chief jugde was made aware of this as well as the the supeme court judge who had a large hand in instituting the mandatory mediation rules, in fact there was a full page story of it in the news paper. I also contacted the committee involved in same. Never the less it was allowed into the public court records. Now I am faced with going in front of a most likely shill (sex addict since childhood) for the banks, not to mention the forged documents and proof that the alledged loan was paid in full many times, and once paid in full to the VA which refers back to the oringination fraud that took place and assignment not filed with recorders office by the laws of this state. So a women who earns her living making porn is not allowed a bank acct. because “morality issues” is insane !!!!!! Maybe she should be hooked up with the porn loving judge!!!!!
Sounds like your judge should apply for a position at the SEC.