Nightmare on Wall Street: Republicans & Democrats Agree on Reinstating Glass-Steagall Act
I can already hear the sloshing sounds of money.
An amazing thing happened at the Republican Convention when some unexpected language showed up in the official 66-page Republican Platform 2016, a document that a delegate from Texas enthusiastically called, “the most conservative platform in modern history.”
And therein is this sentence:
We support reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which prohibits commercial banks from engaging in high-risk investment.
It’s followed by this bit of wisdom: “Sensible regulations can be compatible with a vibrant economy….” By extension, reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act would be that “sensible regulation.”
Upon hearing about this, Wall Street executives and just about everyone else at JPMorgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and a slew of others, plus central bankers in the US and abroad, especially those that cut their teeth at Goldman Sachs, plus Treasury officials and revolving-door beneficiaries, they all ran to their respective johns and vomited.
Rest here…
Therefore there should be criminal indictments for price fixing because they predicted there own outcomes by criminally violating our legal rights unlawfully which involves criminal violations of RICO.
In other words, it’s the OMERTA CODE by forced intrusion nto our privacy which is political lobbying by corporate cronyism.
Moreover, that repeal waa identity theft & the reason why is they got to share our private information from inside their own firms.
It should never have been upended because that caused the FC crisis.
I went to the bridgeview court house today instead of yesterday because I had no way to get there.
The reason I’m forced to go there is because of that repeal that let investors control their own criminal fraud.
I have to go back there on the 8th of next month & I’m going to let everyone know how it goes because there’s control freaks running things unlawfully with lots to hide.