Humpty Dumpty is Broken – The Secured Debt
We need to look at this issue with secured debts, like Humpty Dumpty. The rhyme does not explicitly state that the subject is an egg …
We need to look at this issue with secured debts, like Humpty Dumpty. The rhyme does not explicitly state that the subject is an egg …
From the lenders’ standpoint, people who stay in their homes without paying the mortgage or actively trying to work out some other solution, like selling …
STATEMENT OF THE CASE AND FACTS This appeal is taken from the Circuit Court’s decision to render Summary Final Judgment against the Appellant. The Appellate …
Random Repost. Blast from the Past. Going to start off each day with a random repost from the archives… “The Florida Uniform Commercial Code speaks …
Happy Memorial Day! Loan Servicer Sought Foreclosure Despite Proof Mortgage Was Paid GREENFIELD, Ind. — A woman who said she had no idea that her …
From the Hamlet Again, let’s revisit that “deadbeat borrower” stigma again. The pervasive yet hollow-toned propaganda aimed at diverting attention from the real perpetrators of …
Posted by Karl Denninger From a report emailed to me over the weekend: At the core of the foreclosure-prevention strategy is ignoring delinquencies. The percentage …
Random Repost Blast from the Past. Going to start off each day with a random repost from the archives… Securitization is a complex series of …
Will be updating this page with a lot more throughout the week… Stay Tuned… You can see all of the videos that have been put …
Random Repost Blast from the Past. Going to start off each day with a random repost from the archives… The Problem of Foreclosure Titles Securitized …