North Carolina Foreclosure Prevention Fund Helps Prevent Foreclosure
North Carolina Foreclosure Prevention Fund Helps Prevent Foreclosure Divorce, a medical emergency or a job loss could turn your finances upside down and send you …
North Carolina Foreclosure Prevention Fund Helps Prevent Foreclosure Divorce, a medical emergency or a job loss could turn your finances upside down and send you …
Federal Housing Finance Agency Annual Report to Congress for 2015 June 15, 2016 Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members: I am pleased to enclose the Federal …
Quicken Loans Mortgage Fraud continues in 2016 thanks to Quicken Loans Detroit Nationwide Despite all the changes that have been made to the mortgage industry …
Deadbeat Banks Concerned They May Have to Pay Association Fees on Foreclosed Properties After Changing Locks A decision of the Delaware Court of Common Pleas …
“The judge’s decision “sends a message to the Connecticut state marshals that they have duties and obligations to defendants when they act,” Hassett said.” ~ …
You’re Fired! Bank of America Slashing 8000 Jobs ~
Law to Protect Widowed Homeowners: How You Can Help Imagine losing your wife or husband, and then facing the prospect of losing your home because of …
Foreclosure Fallout: 43 Percent of Americans Are Still Renting Although the start of the mortgage meltdown is nearly a decade in America’s rearview mirror, its …
The Wall Street Bailout Didn’t End In 2008 The 2008 financial crisis was the most disruptive political event yet experienced in the 21st Century, but …
The Subprime Mortgage Is Back: It’s 2008 All Over Again! Apparently the biggest banks in the US didn’t learn their lesson the first time around… …