Why sloppy foreclosure process could undermine Florida
There’s no polite way to put this. A growing cancer is infecting the backlogged legal process of foreclosing on hundreds of thousands of homes in …
There’s no polite way to put this. A growing cancer is infecting the backlogged legal process of foreclosing on hundreds of thousands of homes in …
Wow all!!! So I am getting calls from Bloomberg, Fox News, CNN, etc today. CNN asked me if I could help them get in contact …
Flawed Paperwork Aggravates a Foreclosure Crisis As some of the nation’s largest lenders have conceded that their foreclosure procedures might have been improperly handled, lawsuits …
Check it out… Click through to view… 4closureFraud.org
“It’s a brand new world for foreclosure activists,” said Lisa Epstein, director of Caring for Americans in Foreclosure, a citizen advocacy group. ~ “I haven’t …
Kaboom BOMBSHELL- READ THE GMAC/JEFFREY STEPHAN ORDER THE DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE! Since I can not keep up on everything that is hitting the …
So I get this call today from this lawyer out in Kentucky about some class action case etc. that I never heard of before. Well, …
Homes in Florida Seized Without Notice of Foreclosure: Suspicously Large Number of “The Dog Ate My Summons” Filings More revelations from one of the epicenters …
“No Person ought to be taken imprisoned or disseised of his freehold, or be exiled or deprived of his Privileges, Franchises, Life, Liberty or Property …
U.S. REP. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS CALLS FOR FORECLOSURE MORATORIUM Congresswoman says a halt to foreclosures would allow lenders and loan servicers time to ‘get their act …
“This is not, at this point, about whether the homeowner is paying or not. I am not going to sit here and try to justify …
Lenders Forced to Suspend Thousands of Foreclosures Democracy NOW! – DN! The banking industry’s handling of home foreclosures is coming under increasing scrutiny after revelations …
TOXIC TOXIC TOXIC TOXIC TOXIC TITLES TITLES TITLES TITLES ~ Company Stops Insuring Titles in Chase Foreclosures By DAVID STREITFELD Published: October 2, 2010 A …
Foreclosure Deposition Clip Witness = Goldbeck, McCafferty & McKeever corporate designee pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 30(b)(6) Date = 9/21/10 Individual sitting as …
Cure Defective Mortgage $12.95 + TPC ~ Create Lost Note Affidavit $12.95 + SH ~ Create Note Allonge $12.95 + SH ~ Create Missing Intervening …
From the Huffington Post… ~ This is beginning to look like a storm that blew right into Oz. ~ Just as it took a dog …