Crack Investigative Reporter David Dayen Discusses Chain of Title with Jay Ackroyd
Crack investigative reporter David Dayen has been on the mortgage fraud beat from the late oughts. His book, Chain of Title, recounts the experience of three citizens who pursued their foreclosure cases through the obfuscation and lies that the banks introduced into the American cadastral system. In the process of circumventing the centuries-old system of real estate ownership and transfer of ownership.
Lisa is a sweetheart, but not the only one that did research. Many did throughout the country.The courts did not enforce the laws and in fact ignored everything thrown in their face.Judge Boyko, Ohio and Judge Shack of New York were the only two I know of that stood up for the law against the banks. New Jersey and Florida were and still are openly corrupt. Robo signing and false documents ran rampart. Pathetic look good laws were created on attorney due diligence. The honor of the bank attorneys was actually a conflict, as they were paid by fake Plaintiffs. Remics made no difference, because the defendant had no standing to bring that defense, the iIRS, a non government entity, could have come forward as one of the standing parties, but good luck with that. Everything, that happened and as I said to Lisa on her phone conference one time, “the wolf was legally guarding the hen house.”
The Attorneys Generals all sold out to the banks in their agreements. the banks lost 10% in fines, that went back to them in bailouts.Come on guys, tell it how it is.